Værmelding for Placerita Junior High School


Wind Advisory issued December 28 at 2:27AM PST until December 28 at 10:00AM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA* WHAT...Areas of northwest to north winds 20 to 30 mph with guststo 40 mph expected.* WHERE...Santa Clarita Valley.* WHEN...Until 10 AM PST this morning.* IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Treelimbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result.Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for driversof high profile vehicles. Use extra caution.

National Weather Service

Air Quality Alert issued December 27 at 11:57AM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA* WHAT...The South Coast AQMD has extended a mandatory wood-burningban for residents in the South Coast Air Basin. The No-Burn rulebans burning wood, pellets, and manufactured fire logs in anyindoor or outdoor wood-burning device.* WHERE...The South Coast Air Basin, which includes Orange Countyand non-desert portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and SanBernardino counties. No-Burn Day alerts do not apply to areas above3,000 feet in elevation, the Coachella Valley, or the High Desert.Homes that rely on wood as a sole source of heat, low-incomehouseholds and those without natural gas service also are exemptfrom the requirement.* WHEN...Friday and Saturday.* IMPACTS...Particles in smoke can get deep into the lungs and causehealth problems (including asthma attacks), increases in emergencyroom visits, and hospitalizations. No-Burn Days are needed toprotect public health when fine particle pollution levels areexpected to be high anywhere in the South Coast Air Basin. No-BurnDays are based on fine particle pollution levels that areforecasted for an entire 24-hour period, which may not be reflectedin real-time air quality maps.To protect your health, check current and forecasted air qualitylevels at www.aqmd.gov or download the mobile app atwww.aqmd.gov/mobileapp. When air quality is poor in your area,limited extended or intense outdoor activity and remain inside withwindows and doors closed. Run your air conditioner and/or an airpurifier and avoid using devices that bring in outside air like aswamp cooler or whole house fan if you have other ways to stay cool.Additional details for this air quality alert are available atwww.aqmd.gov/advisory. Information on the South Coast AQMD CheckBefore You Burn program is available at www.aqmd.gov/cbyb.

National Weather Service

Fire Weather Watch issued December 28 at 7:58AM PST until January 2 at 9:00PM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA...FIRE WEATHER WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY MORNINGTHROUGH THURSDAY EVENING FOR GUSTY SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOWRELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR MUCH OF CENTRAL/WEST-CENTRAL/SOUTHWEST LOSANGELES COUNTY AND CENTRAL/EAST-CENTRAL/SOUTHERN VENTURA COUNTY....The weather pattern next week is expected to become favorablefor elevated to critical fire-weather conditions across Santa Anawind-prone areas of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, as well asportions of Santa Barbara County prone to north-wind enhancements.Next week, an upper-level ridge is forecast to gradually buildalong the Pacific coast to the west of a large upper troughencompassing much of the central and eastern states.Correspondingly, surface high pressure strengthening over theGreat Basin will facilitate increasing offshore flow amid slightto moderate upper support, which will combine with unseasonablywarm temperatures assisted by the building upper ridge to producethe increased fire-weather risk. LAX-Bakersfield offshoregradients are currently forecast to reach 5-7 mb starting Monday,with LAX-Daggett offshore gradients reaching 4-5 mb startingTuesday. Given the enhanced northerly pressure gradients, winddirections could be 10-20 degrees more northerly than easterly forthis event compared to other November and December 2024 events,especially early on for this next event.The greatest potential for critical fire-weather conditions willinclude areas prone to a moderate Santa Ana wind event, forTuesday through next Thursday. This includes much of Central/West-Central/Southwest Los Angeles County and Central/East-Central/Southern Ventura County. Strengthening consensus amongweather-model solutions regarding the pattern favoring criticalfire-weather conditions has warranted the issuance of the FireWeather Watch.Regarding alternate scenarios, there is a 60% chance for fire-weather headlines to be expanded to include the eastern SanGabriels, northwest Los Angeles County Interstate-5 corridor, andnorthern Ventura County mountains. In addition, the enhancednortherly gradients may tend to expand the fire-weather risk tothe east of areas more typically prone to a moderate Santa Anawind event, to also include areas from Hollywood to Beverly Hillsand Santa Monica -- Confidence: lower chance at 40% for fire-weather headlines. Elevated to brief critical fire-weatherconditions will also be a concern farther west across the San LuisObispo County and Santa Barbara County mountains especiallyincluding the Santa Ynez range when northerly pressure gradientsare strongest on Monday and Tuesday, though humidities will likelyremain elevated -- Confidence: even smaller but non-zero chanceat 20% for fire-weather headlines.* WINDS...North to northeast winds gusting to 35 to 55 mph.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Relative humidities 10 to 20 percentTuesday decreasing to 5 to 15 percent by Thursday.* IMPACTS...If fire ignition occurs, conditions are favorablefor rapid fire spread and extreme fire behavior which wouldthreaten life and property.A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditionsare likely to occur in the coming days. Residents near wildlandinterfaces should prepare now on what to do if a wildfire breaksout. See readyforwildfire.org and wildfirerisk.org forinformation..

National Weather Service

Værmelding for Placerita Junior High School

+11 °C

Vind 0 m/s

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1020.1 hPa
400 m

9 h 53 min

28/12 8:51 am

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