Værmelding for Hutto-Patterson Gymnasium


Red Flag Warning issued January 14 at 10:18AM PST until January 15 at 6:00PM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA...PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION (PDS) RED FLAG WARNING INEFFECT UNTIL NOON WEDNESDAY DUE TO A MODERATE RISK OF LOCALLYDAMAGING NORTHEAST TO EAST WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITIES FOR THEFOLLOWING AREAS: WESTERN SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS / I5 CORRIDOR /SOUTHERN VENTURA COUNTY MOUNTAINS / SANTA SUSANA MOUNTAINS /VENTURA VALLEYS (MAINLY NEAR SIMI VALLEY/MOORPARK/SANTAPAULA/SOUTH MOUNTAIN) / WESTERN SANTA MONICAS / WESTERN SANFERNANDO VALLEY (MAINLY HIGHWAYS 118/210 CORRIDORS FROM PORTERRANCH TO SAN FERNANDO) / CALABASAS / AGOURA HILLS/ VENTURA COUNTYCOASTAL PLAIN......RED FLAG WARNINGS IN EFFECT FOR MUCH OF LOS ANGELES ANDVENTURA COUNTIES THROUGH 6 PM WEDNESDAY DUE TO GUSTY NORTHEAST TOEAST WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITIES......RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST WEDNESDAYFOR GUSTY EAST WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR THE MOUNTAINS OF SANTABARBARA AND SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTIES AS WELL AS SANTA YNEZMOUNTAINS EASTERN RANGE, LAKE CASITAS, AND OJAI VALLEY...***THIS IS A PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION (PDS) FOR PORTIONSOF LOS ANGELES AND VENTURA COUNTIES!***.A long duration Red Flag Warning remains in effect across muchof Los Angeles and Ventura counties through Wednesday. There is amoderate risk for locally damaging winds over the windiest areas.Considering the extremely dry state of the fuels, recent firebehavior, and the strength of the winds, this is a particularlydangerous situation. There is a high risk for large fires, rapidfire spread, and long range spotting.* WINDS...Periods of northeast to east winds 15 to 25 mph withgusts to 40 mph, mainly in the hills.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Daytime humidities of 8 to 15 percentcommon. Minimal humidity recovery expected at night.* IMPACTS...If fire ignition occurs, conditions are favorablefor very rapid fire spread and extreme fire behavior,including long range spotting, which would threaten life andproperty.A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditionsare either occurring now, or will shortly. Use extreme cautionwith anything that can spark a wildfire. Residents near wildlandinterfaces should be prepared to evacuate if a wildfire breaksout. See readyforwildfire.org and wildfirerisk.org forinformation.

National Weather Service

Air Quality Alert issued January 13 at 11:03PM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA* WHAT...The South Coast AQMD has issued an air quality alert due toharmful levels of windblown dust and ash.* WHERE...South Coast Air Basin and Coachella Valley. Windblown ashis possible in areas southwest of recently burned areas. Pollutionlevels can vary by time and location depending on emissions andlocal weather conditions.* WHEN...Impacts are possible from Monday evening until Wednesday at7 PM.* IMPACTS...Particle pollution can get deep into the lungs and causeserious health problems such as asthma attacks, heart and lungdisease symptoms, and increased risk of respiratory infections.Everyone can be affected, but sensitive groups such as people withlung or heart disease, older adults, people who are pregnant,children, and those who spend a lot of time outdoors are at greaterrisk.To protect your health, in areas affected by windblown dust and ash:* Avoid outdoor activity* Keep windows and doors closed* Run your air conditioner and/or an air purifier* Do not use whole house fans or swamp coolers that bring inoutsideair if you have other methods to stay cool* Avoid other sources of pollution such as fireplaces, candles,incense, grilling, and gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Cleaning up ash can be harmful for your health. See CaliforniaDepartment of Public Health Guidelines for the safe cleanup of ashat https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/EPO/Pages/Wildfire%20Pages/Safe-Cleanup-of-Ash.aspx.To view current and forecasted air quality levels in the South CoastAir Basin and Coachella Valley, visit the South Coast Air QualityManagement District website at aqmd.gov or download the mobile appat www.aqmd.gov/mobileapp. Additional details for this air qualityalert may be available at www.aqmd.gov/advisory.To view current and forecasted air quality levels in the High Desertof San Bernardino County, visit the Mojave Desert Air QualityManagement District website at mdaqmd.ca.gov. Additional detailsfor this air quality alert may be available atwww.mdaqmd.ca.gov/advisories.To view current and forecasted air quality levels in the High Desertof Los Angeles County, visit the antelope Valley Air QualityManagement District website at www.avaqmd.ca.gov.To view current and forecasted air quality levels in San DiegoCounty, visit the San Diego County Air Pollution Control Districtwebsite at www.sdapcd.org/content/sdapcd/air-quality.html.Additional details for this air quality alert may be available atwww.sdapcd.org/content/sdapcd/air-quality/smoke-advisory.html.To view current and forecast air quality within Imperial CountyWestern San Fernando Valley-visit the Imperial County Air Quality website athttp://www.imperialvalleyair.org/ or follow ICAPCD on Twitter,facebook or Instagram (@county_air).

National Weather Service

Værmelding for Hutto-Patterson Gymnasium


+16 °C

Vind 2 m/s


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1025.5 hPa
16 km

10 h 7 min

14/01 10:51 am

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