Værmelding for Calabasas Landfill
Red Flag Warning issued January 14 at 10:18AM PST until January 15 at 6:00PM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA...PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION (PDS) RED FLAG WARNING INEFFECT UNTIL NOON WEDNESDAY DUE TO A MODERATE RISK OF LOCALLYDAMAGING NORTHEAST TO EAST WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITIES FOR THEFOLLOWING AREAS: WESTERN SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS / I5 CORRIDOR /SOUTHERN VENTURA COUNTY MOUNTAINS / SANTA SUSANA MOUNTAINS /VENTURA VALLEYS (MAINLY NEAR SIMI VALLEY/MOORPARK/SANTAPAULA/SOUTH MOUNTAIN) / WESTERN SANTA MONICAS / WESTERN SANFERNANDO VALLEY (MAINLY HIGHWAYS 118/210 CORRIDORS FROM PORTERRANCH TO SAN FERNANDO) / CALABASAS / AGOURA HILLS/ VENTURA COUNTYCOASTAL PLAIN......RED FLAG WARNINGS IN EFFECT FOR MUCH OF LOS ANGELES ANDVENTURA COUNTIES THROUGH 6 PM WEDNESDAY DUE TO GUSTY NORTHEAST TOEAST WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITIES......RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST WEDNESDAYFOR GUSTY EAST WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY FOR THE MOUNTAINS OF SANTABARBARA AND SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTIES AS WELL AS SANTA YNEZMOUNTAINS EASTERN RANGE, LAKE CASITAS, AND OJAI VALLEY...***THIS IS A PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION (PDS) FOR PORTIONSOF LOS ANGELES AND VENTURA COUNTIES!***.A long duration Red Flag Warning remains in effect across muchof Los Angeles and Ventura counties through Wednesday. There is amoderate risk for locally damaging winds over the windiest areas.Considering the extremely dry state of the fuels, recent firebehavior, and the strength of the winds, this is a particularlydangerous situation. There is a high risk for large fires, rapidfire spread, and long range spotting.* WINDS...Periods of northeast to east winds 20 to 40 mph withgusts to 50 or 60 mph. Areas of most concern include: Coastalhills, Simi Valley, Moorpark, Santa Paula, South Mountain, andHighway 118/210 corridors extending from Porter Ranch to SanFernando.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Daytime humidities of 8 to 15 percent common.Minimal humidity recovery expected at night.* IMPACTS...If fire ignition occurs, conditions are favorablefor very rapid fire spread and extreme fire behavior,including long range spotting, which would threaten life andproperty.A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditionsare either occurring now, or will shortly. Use extreme cautionwith anything that can spark a wildfire. Residents near wildlandinterfaces should be prepared to evacuate if a wildfire breaksout. See readyforwildfire.org and wildfirerisk.org forinformation.
National Weather Service
High Wind Warning issued January 14 at 3:51AM PST until January 15 at 12:00PM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA* WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, northeast winds 30 to 40 mphwith gusts up to 65 mph expected.* WHERE...Calabasas and Agoura Hills, Eastern San Gabriel Mountains,Malibu Coast, and Santa Clarita Valley.* WHEN...Until noon PST Wednesday.* IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines.Widespread power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult,especially for high profile vehicles.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...There will be a temporary lull in the windslater this afternoon into the evening.Remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, andavoid windows. Watch for falling debris and tree limbs. Use cautionif you must drive.
National Weather Service
Air Quality Alert issued January 12 at 7:30PM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA* WHAT...The South Coast AQMD has issued an air quality alert due toincreased harmful levels of particle pollution from windblown dust,and a mandatory wood-burning ban for residents in the South CoastAir Basin. The No-Burn rule bans burning wood, pellets, andmanufactured fire logs in any indoor or outdoor wood-burning device.* WHERE... Windblown dust in parts of the South Coast Air Basin,Coachella Valley, and Eastern Riverside County. Levels of particlepollution can vary by time and location depending on fire activityand local weather conditions. Wood-burning ban in the South CoastAir Basin, which includes Orange County and non-desert portions ofLos Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties. No-Burn Dayalerts do not apply to areas above 3,000 feet in elevation, theCoachella Valley, or the High Desert. Homes that rely on wood as asole source of heat, low-income households and those without naturalgas service also are exempt from the requirement.* WHEN... Windblown dust until 12 PM Tuesday, and wood-burning banon Sunday and Monday* IMPACTS...Particles can get deep into the lungs and cause serioushealth problems such as heart attacks, strokes, asthma attacks, anddifficulty breathing. Everyone can be affected, but people with lungor heart disease, older adults, people who are pregnant, children,and those who spend a lot of time outdoors are at greater risk.To protect your health, if you smell or see smoke:* Remain indoors with windows and doors closed* Avoid intense outdoor physical activity* Run your air conditioner and/or an air purifier* If you must be outdoors, keep the time brief and wear a well-fitting N-95 mask* Do not use whole house fans or swamp coolers that bring inoutsideair if you have other methods to stay cool* Avoid other sources of pollution such as fireplaces, candles,incense, grilling, and gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipmentAlso check air quality levels and act as needed:* When Air Quality Index (AQI) levels are "Unhealthy for SensitiveGroups" (orange), sensitive groups as specified above shouldlimitextended or intense outdoor activity.* When AQI is "Unhealthy" (red), everyone may experience healthimpacts. Sensitive groups should avoid extended time outdoors.* When AQI is "Very Unhealthy" (purple), sensitive groups shouldavoidall outdoor physical activity. Everyone else should avoidextendedor intense outdoor activity.* When AQI is "Hazardous" (maroon), everyone should avoid alloutdoorphysical activity.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...In the South Coast Air Basin, Coachella Valley, and easternRiverside County, to view current and forecasted air quality levels,visit the South Coast Air Quality Management District website ataqmd.gov or download the mobile app at www.aqmd.gov/mobileapp.Additional details for this air quality alert may be available atwww.aqmd.gov/advisory. Information on the South Coast AQMD's CheckBefore You Burn program is available at www.aqmd.gov/cbyb.In the San Bernardino County deserts, to view current and forecastedair quality levels, visit the Mojave Desert Air Quality ManagementDistrict website at mdaqmd.ca.gov. Additional details for this airquality alert may be available at www.mdaqmd.ca.gov/advisories.In Los Angeles County deserts including Lancaster and Palmdale, toview current and forecasted air quality levels, visit the antelopeValley Air Quality Management District website at www.avaqmd.ca.gov.In San Diego County, to view current and forecasted air qualitylevels, visit the San Diego County Air Pollution Control Districtwebsite at www.sdapcd.org/content/sdapcd/air-quality.html.Additional details for this air quality alert may be available atwww.sdapcd.org/content/sdapcd/air-quality/smoke-advisory.html.In Imperial County, to view current and forecast air quality withinImperial County visit the Imperial County Air Quality website athttp://www.imperialvalleyair.org/ or follow ICAPCD on Twitter,facebook or Instagram (@county_air).
National Weather Service
Værmelding for Calabasas Landfill
+16 °C
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1025.5 hPa
16 km
10 h 7 min
14/01 10:51 am
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