Værmelding for Îles Perduto
Extreme weather events expected (DISCLAIMER: Information provided on METEOALARM for Italy regard only the intensity and recurrence of the phenomena, further details can be found at www.meteoam.it. METEOALARM information do not provide the assessment of impact on the territory and they do not represent the Official Alerts messages that are issued by the National Civil Protection Service https://www.protezionecivile.gov.it)TAKE precautionary ACTION, remain vigilant and act on advice given by authorities. Keep up to date with the latest weather forecast, and expect significant disruption to daily routines. Only travel if your journey is essential.
Meteo Aeronautica
Severe weather expected (DISCLAIMER: Information provided on METEOALARM for Italy regard only the intensity and recurrence of the phenomena, further details can be found at www.meteoam.it. METEOALARM information do not provide the assessment of impact on the territory and they do not represent the Official Alerts messages that are issued by the National Civil Protection Service https://www.protezionecivile.gov.it)BE PREPARED. Take precautions and keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Expect some disruption to daily routines and BE PREPARED for disruption to outdoor activities.
Meteo Aeronautica
Moderate intensity weather phenomena expected (DISCLAIMER: Information provided on METEOALARM for Italy regard only the intensity and recurrence of the phenomena, further details can be found at www.meteoam.it. METEOALARM information do not provide the assessment of impact on the territory and they do not represent the Official Alerts messages that are issued by the National Civil Protection Service https://www.protezionecivile.gov.it)BE AWARE, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Expect some minor disruption to outdoor activities
Meteo Aeronautica
Moderate damages may occur, especially in vulnerable or in exposed areas and to people who carry out weather-related activities. Be careful, keep informed of the latest weather forecast.
Værmelding for Îles Perduto
+14 °C
Føles som
1034 hPa
9 h 11 min
17/12 11:00 am
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