Værmelding for Tonopah School
Air Quality Alert issued December 31 at 11:29AM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA* WHAT...The South Coast AQMD has extended a mandatory wood-burningban for residents in the South Coast Air Basin. The No-Burn rulebans burning wood, pellets, and manufactured fire logs in anyindoor or outdoor wood-burning device.* WHERE...The South Coast Air Basin, which includes Orange County andnon-desert portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardinocounties. No-Burn Day alerts do not apply to areas above 3,000 feetin elevation, the Coachella Valley, or the High Desert. Homes thatrely on wood as a sole source of heat, low-income households andthose without natural gas service also are exempt from therequirement.* WHEN...Tuesday and Wednesday.* IMPACTS...Particles in smoke can get deep into the lungs and causehealthproblems (including asthma attacks), increases in emergency roomvisits, and hospitalizations. No-Burn Days are needed to protectpublic health when fine particle pollution levels are expected tobe high anywhere in the South Coast Air Basin. No-Burn Days arebased on fine particle pollution levels that are forecasted for anentire 24-hour period, which may not be reflected in real-time airquality maps.To protect your health, check current and forecasted air quality levelsat www.aqmd.gov or download the mobile app at www.aqmd.gov/mobileapp.When air quality is poor in your area, limited extended or intenseoutdoor activity and remain inside with windows and doors closed. Runyour air conditioner and/or an air purifier and avoid using devicesthat bring in outside air like a swamp cooler or whole house fan ifyou have other ways to stay cool.Additional details for this air quality alert are available atwww.aqmd.gov/advisory. Information on the South Coast AQMD CheckBefore You Burn program is available at www.aqmd.gov/cbyb.
National Weather Service
Værmelding for Tonopah School
+12 °C
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1018 hPa
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9 h 56 min
31/12 6:01 pm
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