Værmelding for Brownfield Medical Building![](//img-a.foreca.net/f/img/home-inact.png)
Air Quality Alert issued December 28 at 12:05PM PST by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA* WHAT...The South Coast AQMD has extended a mandatory wood-burningban for residents in the South Coast Air Basin. The No-Burn rulebans burning wood, pellets, and manufactured fire logs in anyindoor or outdoor wood-burning device.* WHERE...The South Coast Air Basin, which includes Orange Countyand non-desert portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and SanBernardino counties. No-Burn Day alerts do not apply to areas above3,000 feet in elevation, the Coachella Valley, or the High Desert.Homes that rely on wood as a sole source of heat, low-incomehouseholds and those without natural gas service also are exemptfrom the requirement.* WHEN...Saturday and Sunday.* IMPACTS...Particles in smoke can get deep into the lungs and causehealth problems (including asthma attacks), increases in emergencyroom visits, and hospitalizations. No-Burn Days are needed toprotect public health when fine particle pollution levels areexpected to be high anywhere in the South Coast Air Basin. No-BurnDays are based on fine particle pollution levels that areforecasted for an entire 24-hour period, which may not be reflectedin real-time air quality maps.To protect your health, check current and forecasted air qualitylevels at www.aqmd.gov or download the mobile app atwww.aqmd.gov/mobileapp. When air quality is poor in your area,limited extended or intense outdoor activity and remain inside withwindows and doors closed. Run your air conditioner and/or an airpurifier and avoid using devices that bring in outside air like aswamp cooler or whole house fan if you have other ways to stay cool.Additional details for this air quality alert are available atwww.aqmd.gov/advisory. Information on the South Coast AQMD CheckBefore You Burn program is available at www.aqmd.gov/cbyb.
National Weather Service
Værmelding for Brownfield Medical Building
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9 h 55 min
28/12 10:53 pm
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