Værmelding for Angwin Hall
High Wind Warning issued January 23 at 2:22AM PST until January 23 at 6:00PM PST by NWS San Diego CA* WHAT...Northeast winds 35 to 45 mph with gusts to 60 to 70 mphexpected. Isolated gusts to 70 to 80 mph for the San Diego Countymountains. The strongest winds are expected from after sunrisethis morning into this afternoon.* WHERE...Orange County Inland Areas, Riverside County Mountains,San Bernardino County Mountains, San Bernardino and RiversideCounty Valleys-The Inland Empire, San Diego County Mountains, SanDiego County Valleys, San Gorgonio Pass near Banning, and SantaAna Mountains and Foothills.* WHEN...From 6 AM this morning to 6 PM PST this evening.* IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines.Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especiallyfor high profile vehicles.Remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, andavoid windows. Watch for falling debris and tree limbs. Use cautionif you must drive.
National Weather Service
Air Quality Alert issued January 22 at 4:14PM PST by NWS San Diego CA* WHAT...The South Coast AQMD has issued an air quality alert due toharmful levels of windblown dust and ash.* WHERE...Windblown dust in parts of Riverside County and windblownash southwest of the Palisades and Eaton impact zones. Winds mayalso disperse ash from the Hurst, Kenneth, Line, Airport, and Bridgefire burn scars. Pollution levels can vary by time and locationdepending on emissions and local weather conditions.* WHEN...7 AM through 6 PM Thursday..* IMPACTS...Particle pollution can get deep into the lungs and causeserious health problems such as asthma attacks, heart and lungdisease symptoms, and increased risk of respiratory infections.Everyone can be affected, but sensitive groups such as people withlung or heart disease, older adults, people who are pregnant,children, and those who spend a lot of time outdoors are at greaterrisk.To protect your health, in areas affected by windblown dust and ash:* Avoid outdoor activity* Keep windows and doors closed* Run your air conditioner and/or an air purifier* Do not use whole house fans or swamp coolers that bring in outsideair if you have other methods to stay cool* Avoid other sources of pollution such as fireplaces, candles,incense, grilling, and gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Cleaning up ash can be harmful for your health. See CaliforniaDepartment of Public Health Guidelines for the safe cleanup of ashat https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/EPO/Pages/Wildfire%20Pages/Safe-Cleanup-of-Ash.aspx.In the South Coast Air Basin, to view current and forecasted airquality levels, visit the South Coast Air Quality ManagementDistrict website at aqmd.gov or download the mobile app atwww.aqmd.gov/mobileapp. Additional details for this air qualityalert may be available at www.aqmd.gov/advisory.In San Diego County, to view current and forecasted air qualitylevels, visit the San Diego County Air Pollution Control Districtwebsite at www.sdapcd.org/content/sdapcd/air-quality.html.Additional details for this air quality alert may be available atwww.sdapcd.org/content/sdapcd/air-quality/smoke-advisory.html.For the latest air quality forecasts and information, visit thewebsite at aqmd.gov.
National Weather Service
Red Flag Warning issued January 23 at 2:13AM PST until January 24 at 10:00AM PST by NWS San Diego CA* WINDS...Northeast 30 to 40 mph with gusts 60 to 70 mph. Isolatedgusts to 70 to 80 mph for the San Diego County mountains. Thestrongest winds are expected from after sunrise this morninginto the afternoon with winds diminishing for tonight intoFriday morning.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Mostly 5 percent or less today, recoveringto 5 to 15 percent for tonight.* IMPACTS...If fire ignition occurs, conditions are favorablefor rapid fire spread and extreme fire behavior. Fuels arecritically dry.* LOCATION...San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys -TheInland Empire, San Diego County Inland Valleys, San BernardinoCounty Mountains-Including The Mountain Top And Front CountryRanger Districts Of The San Bernardino National Forest,Riverside County Mountains-Including The San Jacinto RangerDistrict Of The San Bernardino National Forest, Santa AnaMountains-Including The Trabuco Ranger District of theCleveland National Forest, San Diego County Mountains-Including the Palomar and Descanso Ranger Districts of theCleveland National Forest, San Gorgonio Pass near Banning andOrange County Inland Areas.A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditionsare either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination ofstrong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures cancontribute to extreme fire behavior.
National Weather Service
Værmelding for Angwin Hall
66 °F
Føles som
30.3 tomme
9.9 mi
10 h 20 min
23/01 7:53 am
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