Værmelding for Svalestad
The ground is frozen and there is snow and ice on roads and rivers/creecks. Due to weather changes with snowmelt and rain up to 600 masl there might be local flooding and road problems caused by closed water ways. Floods in rivers are not expected. Large snow melting due to rising temperatures is expected. Water discharge is expected to increase because of rain and snowmelt. This may cause local inundation where river channels are filled with ice and because of frozen ground. It also may cause ice drift in streams, with subsequent local inundation. Situation that requires vigilance and may cause local damagesCleaning of drainage paths and culverts is recommended. Keep away from rivers and streams with high flow. Stay informed on the situation.
Værmelding for Svalestad
+6 °C
7 h 4 min
15/01 4:00 am
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