Værmelding for Lággu
From Monday morning until early morning Tuesday local blowing snow is expected in parts of Finnmark due to strong wind and snow. Reduced visibility. Local driving conditions may become difficult due to snow accumulating on the road. Expect convoys and/or closed roads on short notice.Allow extra time for transportation and driving. Follow advice and check status from transport operators. Check road reports (175.no). Use tires fit for winter conditions and use caution while driving. Avoid unnecessary journeys to exposed places.
Sunday and Monday locally moderate icing on ships in exposed coastal and fjord areas. Rapid ice accumulation on a small boat may cause it to lose its stability, tip over and sink. For ships the issue is more directed towards slippery decks, handrailing, ladders, iced down safety boats and safety equipment. Ice accumulation may also damage radio communication if the antennas are freezing. Moderate ice accumulation on the bow/bridge of the ship.Remove ice from the boat.
Værmelding for Lággu
-9 °C
Delvis skyet og lett snø
Føles som
984 hPa
10 km
16/12 8:20 am
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Været akkurat nå
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Norman Wells, Canada
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