Værmelding for Vārve
Due to precipitation the water level continues to rise in Saka and Uzava rivers watersheds. Wider territories will be flooded. BE PREPARED to protect yourself and your property!Flooding of property and transport infrastructure is possible. There is a risk that power supply, water supply and communications will be disrupted. Evacuation may be necessary.Residents are asked not to visit or move in flood-prone areas, not to endanger themselves and not to hinder the rescue services.On the coastline of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga, strong winds together with high waves can cause coastal areas and associated low-lying areas near rivers and lakes to flood, as well as damage dune and coastal infrastructure such as dams or ports.More information on hydrological conditions is available at hidro.meteo.lv. Read more about what to do in the event of a flood https://www.vugd.gov.lv/lv/pludi !
Precipitation is expected in Kurzeme in the coming days, in some places heavy rains. The runoff in the rivers of the western part will increase, and floodplains and low-lying areas will be flooded widely again. BE AWARE of the potentially flood-prone areas!Caution should be exercised when moving in flood-prone areas.On the coastline of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga, strong winds together with high waves can cause a significant rise in the water level.More information on hydrological conditions is available at hidro.meteo.lv. Read more about what to do in the event of a flood https://www.vugd.gov.lv/lv/pludi !
Værmelding for Vārve
+2 °C
Føles som
1000 hPa
10 km
7 h 2 min
9/01 4:20 pm
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